Art Piece Description:
Within a 10×10 pop up a fantastical world appears for your enjoyment. In the day time, come view fun, strange art that invokes the inner child in us all, giggle with your friends and laugh about the absurd. When night hits, come back and watch the art come to life with special colorful lights and immerse yourself in a world of Whimsy. I will be open from 12-1pm all day until 2-3am.
About the Artist:
Creating magical worlds within my canvas, I use buttery blends of all spectrums of the paint-bow. Bright colors pop with funky creatures, fantasy magic and strange surrealism. I love to bring smiles and laughs to all those that view my art. A self-taught artist, I focus on a mix of visionary, pop surrealism, and a fun whimsy all my own; Welcome to my world of Whimsadelic.
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