Shapes Squeaks Lives in Portland, Oregon, and has been a performing artist all her life. Theater and Film, Fire and Flow, Circus and Clowning, and now BUBBLES! Shapes has been dedicated to the study of soap suds for the past 3 years. Her clownterpart, Galen Onstad has been her bubble buddy in their collaborative project, “Bubbles & Squeak.” Together they really blow hard!
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Workshop #1: Intro to Big bubbles: “Learn to Blow BIG”
Learn to blow BIG bubbles! This workshop will teach you how to make the best bubble solution(s) and Blow bubbles! Learn the basics of blowing, wand and hand techniques, and fancy footwork. Practice the art of air-bending, using fans and your breath to achieve tricks such as “bubble in a bubble,” the “wobble,” and split bubbles in two! Everyone will have the opportunity to hold a bubble in their hand! Learn to use your fingers as a bubble wand and blow hand bubbles, pluck small bubbles from bigger bubbles.
Sunday Sunrise Bubble Brigade- “Sunrise is a magical time for bubbles”:
The magic of the dawn significantly increases the magic and splendor of the big bubbles. They will grow larger, last longer, and be incredibly easy to manipulate. Test out your intro knowledge and prepare to participate. Blowing bubbles, chasing bubbles, using fire props to elevate bubbles, use fans to float and manipulate bubbles. Join us as night turns to dawn, bubble buckets and wands provided.